Episode 27: {redn mit di toyte} Ruth Rubin | רות רובין / by Sandra Fox


Sosye "speaks" with her hero Ruth Rubin, with help from singers, scholars, and archival sounds. 

Thank you so much to our participants, David Roskies, Talia Martz-Oberlander, Michael Yashinsky, Adah Hetko, and Eleonore Biezunski. Thanks to the Yiddish Book Center for allowing us to use an archival recording of Ruth Rubin from 1978, so we could "speak" to her.  A groyse dank to our first advertising sponsors, the League for Yiddish and the YIVO Summer Program, and Sheva Zucker for her help and patience!  On the League for Yiddish's website, you can find details about "A Tog Yiddish Seminar" with David Fishman on April 22nd. The YIVO Summer Program this summer, the due date is April 2, so apply fast!

Don't forget to check out YIVO's digital exhibition on Ruth Rubin, with 1500 songs, starting April 4, at exhibitions.yivo.org

Many of Rubin's albums can be found on iTunes and Spotify, but Sosye's favorite songs, which are on "Yiddish Love Songs," have been removed everywhere except for YouTube. Note also that some of the songs online are mislabeled, name-wise, though the ones below are accurate. If you want Mp3 versions, contact us. The songs in this episode are, in order. 

  1. "Gitare"
  2. "Shvern Shver Ikh"
  3. "Bay Dem Shtetl" (and another amazing version here)
  4. "Dortn Dortn" performed at the Yidish Vokh 
  5. "Shpilt-zhe Mir"
  6. "Dortn Dortn